Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Long time no talk!!! Lo siento!

Hey my beautiful family and friends!!! I'm sorry it's been so long but montezuma has been sucking me in big time and writing a blog was just not in the cards until now'
So much has happened I don't even know where to start. Spanish is getting better, we are now learning the past tense ( FML!!), I was JUST getting the hang of the present lol. I know enough now to understand conversations and to reply in broken sentences, my tenses I'm sure are always wrong and a lot of sentences r probably backward and I still screw up ser and estar sometimes.... But, Spanish isn't so foreign n e more ;) yoga is making me stronger and the wine after yoga makes me calmer lol! I've met so many awesome friends here I don't want to leave :( I can potentially stay at a friends until envision.... But I have friends to meet in Nicaragua who are equally as great, however they are Mia and I haven't spoken to them and the weekend is nearing, it'll come together tho, it always does!!
Last weekend Sensient happened!!! This totally unexpected and beautiful music festival in Cabuya, SOOOOOO FUNNNNN!! And so organized and gorgeous omg, and it was the birth of the festival so I was sooooo stoked, we all were, I'm so happy to have been apart of it with such beautiful friends. We danced in the beach/forest all night and had crazy conversations, hugs, kisses, moments and pure delightfullness :)

Now a new week with new thoughts. I simply don't want to leave this town; and in another three ish weeks or so.... The area. I don't want to stop Spanish yet!!!! I know now I have to come back to Latin America for a long time sooner then later, become a local for 6 months and become fluent in Spanish :) the people are to beautiful and the culture takes my breathe away, I love travelling but the next time I submerse, I warn you family, I may never come back..... Another Spanish country next time for a while, ill def be spending the next 8 months thinking about it :) I've been told immersion in Guatemala is spectacular.... We will see ;)

Anyways I love you and I really don't know what my next advnrture is or where I'm gonna be...but I'll let u know when I do!!!!

Love yahs always and forvever, if u R reading this and u r Amy, Heidi, or Adam, Skype me damnit!!!! Xoxoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, February 3, 2013

New friends and empanadas!

Hey hey :) I got a lot of studying to do so ill try not to write a book :) everything's going good as usual, still in montezuma enjoying being in one place this time, two weeks of Spanish is over, two more to go.

Thursday night was so fun! Maybe too fun... Butttt the fire show was great except for me, I got super nervous and forgot everything lol soooo meh, maybe this Thursday will go better. I burnt my arm, twisted my chains a bunch and forgot just every thing lol. pressure!!

Also on Thursday we learned how to make empanadas, so easy, fattening and delicious! So I made more yesterday with some awesome variations! Yummmmm! Well I'm gonna study and do some research for future fun, next weekend there's a music festival in Cabuya, I'm super lucking out ! Two while I'm here yayyyy! Then the journey begins a week later to Nicaragua with my long lost friends :)

Love yahs lots!!!! I try to post a pic later of me and my New Mexican friends when we go to the waterfall :)
Miss yahs!

Ok so everything I just wrote above was from this morning and I never published so I will add to it here. I went to the waterfall today with my new absolutely beautiful Mexican friends. I have never met such beautiful people in my life!!! They are the best entertainers and are just travelling by the ass of their pants and performing on the streets. They have been so kind to me and have helped with Spanish and pushed me to some scary heights on these waterfalls! They are like small chengos all over the place, they helped me a few times when they could see that I was nervous, they shared there food when they had nothing and ugh... Words can't explain! I made them tortillas tonight for their awesome company and they could not have been more thankful! I'm almost in tears writing this.... There are so many good people in this world .... There culture.... There smiles, omg I have never been more motivated to learn Spanish because you have no idea on the family fantasy land in Spanish speaking countries one could be missing out on, I am sooooo happy to have been to Spanish speaking countries and to have met so many great people, I highly suggest if you are not a traveller or have not gotten the chance too you really should make the effort, if you think you can't afford ask yourself.... How do my New Mexican friends travel north an South America...... With nothing.....

They are leaving tomorro! Safe travels my friends! You have touched my heart for sure :)